Matilda at sea !
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Matilda at Sea

Georgian Bay sailing

The Trip Home From Silvan Beach to Belleville

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Grampian Photos from 2006

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Pictures through the years

Innisfil Building Lots

The Old Matilda

One of the most beautiful anchorages in the North, Croaker Island

It was after labour day so he only charged a case of beer !

I forget to crank the keel up, Oops !

Croaker Island is North of Clapperton Island in the North Channel

A short trip to the Benjamin Islands, with better anchorages

Sailing of the French River

Taken by a friend off the French River

Chasing my friend Fern outside of Gore Bay in the North Channel

Little Current Town Dock

Fern's Tanzer 29 up close in Gore Bay

Chimney Bay north end of Beausoleil Island just outside of Honey Harbour

Beausoleil Island is close to Midland and offers lots of great anchorages


I sold the Matilda and delivered it to Monkton New Brunswick in Spring 2002